Wednesday, 8 February 2012


In avoidance of the article I’ve been writing for my entire adult life on next season’s MLB playoff expansion, I decide to take a quick look at the vast expanses of twitter and collect a few notable tidbits here for the enjoyment of you, my dozen of readers!

Now, if you’re like most women you’ve probably had a long standing desire to try your hand at fantasy baseball.  I mean, given how sexually attractive it is when guys do it, how could you resist?  The problem you've probably had so far is that there’s never been a fantasy baseball league designed with a lady ball fan in mind.  A league that finally reshapes the game into concepts that women can understand!  

Well, does CBS Sports have good news for you!  The geniuses that brought you CSI and NCIS introduce Baseball Boyfriend!  In this fantasy mini-game ladies have to choose or trade for the hunkiest baseball boyfriend (or BBBF--natch).  The whole preposterous thing is appropriately torn to pieces by Andra Reiher. Check out her article here.  

In a non-lets-make-baseball-even-more-unappealing-to-women news, former Boston Celtics star, Larry Bird, weighed in on the Kobe or Bron Bron debate in an interview with Bill Simmons.  The Hoosier great explains that “it would have probably been more fun to play with LeBron, but if you want to win and win and win, it’s Kobe.”  And he does it all from the comfort of a charming Merlot turtle neck!  (Check out the interview here.)

For those sneaky moms out there, Jimmy Kimmel is up to his old tricks.  This time instead of inflicting potentially permanent psychological damage on unsuspecting children, he’s challenged his viewers to unplug the television while the football lover in their family is watching the Superbowl!  And, the results are...well here are the results.  

And finally, out of Sports Illustrated’s vault, a very lovely picture of a 1957 game between the Red Wings and Rangers.  If you’re not following @si_vault on twitter, you should be.  


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